
The Okavango Delta is the world’s largest inland delta formed by the Okavango River discharging into the Kalahari Desert in Botswana at an altitude of around 1000 meters. Rain that falls in the summer in the highlands of Angola goes into the Okavango River, passes through Namibia and finally forms a delta in the Kalahari Desert. The water level in the wetlands is high in the winter dry season and it is low in the summer wet season because of evaporation.

The Okavango Delta is listed as the 1000th world heritage site in 2014. Its beautiful landscapes are called “Jewelry of Kalahari.”  Transport inside the delta is done by motor boats and hand-worked boats called MOKORO. The wetlands is a paradise of wild animals. 130 species of mammals and 482 species of birds have been recorded.



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