I revisited the Fresco of Iheren after ten years. This was my fourth visit, and I once again felt its greatness. On a large rock shelter canvas measuring 3 m in height and 10 m in width, scenes from the life of the nomads are depicted as a chronologically unfolding narrative, much like a Japanese picture scroll. According to the copies made by the mission of Henri Lhote in 1970, 99 human figures, 263 domestic animals, 47 wild animals and household goods such as tents and pots are depicted in very fine outlines.

The most popular theory is that the fresco dates from around 5,000 years ago, but it is more understandable that if it is 500 years old. Aside from the exquisite brushwork of the individual scenes, it is a major event in art history that an artist could have depicted the scenes in a chronological order 5,000 years ago. An art historian said, ‘I can understand if this rock painting is post-Greek art, but it is a work that should not have existed before that. It was only after the emergence of religious paintings, such as Buddhist and Christian, that stories were depicted using time expressions.

According to Yves Martin, who produced a life-size reproduction of the fresco as a member of the Lhote’s mission, it was painted by a single artist, except for one scene. The narrative begins on the right and ends on the left. On the far right, it begins with a landscape where nomads live next to animals on the savannah. There, a small group of people have closed camp and are preparing to leave. The women ride on the backs of oxen and the men walk to their new campsite. Upon arrival, the men clear away their household goods and the women set up their tents. Those who arrived first take care of the cattle, sheep and other livestock. In front of the tents, families gather, men and women meet, and people enjoy a drink. (Visited in Dec 2024)







Right next to where people live a nomadic life, the animals of the savannah also live. Giraffes, elephants, ostriches, oryx, hartebeest, dama gazelles and dorcas gazelles. Nearby, people are packing up their camp and preparing to move on.


A dorcas gazelle cub straying with a herd of giraffes.


A hartebeest is licking her newborn calf. The afterbirth is still attached.


People are packing up camp and getting ready to leave. An old woman is already on the right-hand ox, and a woman is about to put a saddle on the left-hand ox.


Women ride on the backs of the cattle, while men walk. When they arrive at a new campsite, men unload and tidy up, while women pitch the tents. It looks that women are the owners of the house. Perhaps, like the Tuareg of today, they were a matrilineal society.


A man walks with a baby in his arms and a woman travels on the back of an ox.


Upon arrival, the men unload and clean up, while the women set up the tents.


The gestures of the cows stiffening their front and rear legs and rounding their backs are signs that they are about to give births.


Cows are drinking water from a stream. The frontal view of the horns on the sideways body is a distorted perspective common in prehistoric rock art. A young man is feeding sheep. Who is the giant behind him?


A cow is drinking water in a stream with frogs. On the right, people climbing a tree. It is rare for trees to be depicted in prehistoric rock art.

Thanks to image processing, the frogs are barely discernible, but the tree-climbing scene does not appear. In the copying process of the mission Lhote, the wall surface was moistened with water to make the painting appear and then copied onto tracing paper. The plaster (CaSO4) film covering the surface becomes transparent when it contains water and the picture appears. However, in photography, the picture can appear with a flash, but this is difficult when the film is thick.




A man faces a woman leaning out of a tent. A practice found in matrilineal societies? On the left, a woman is trying to tie a rope binding the front legs of a calf to the front leg of its mother?

テントから身を乗り出している女性と対面する男性。女系社会に見られる妻問か? 左側では女性が、子牛の前脚を縛ったロープを母親の前脚に結ぼうとしている?近くでは、乳房の膨らんだ雌牛と子牛が多く描かれている。(DStretch画像処理)

Two families are gathered around a large pot. They are drinking from the pot using straws.  It is highly likely that the drink is beer. Straws are used to avoid  wheat husks. The people, especially the women, are well dressed. They are wearing hats, necklaces, long skirts and shoulder wraps. Is this an everyday scene or a special gathering?


There are many people gathered together. A woman is leaning out of a tent, patting a man on the back while resting her chin on her hand? A man is trying to take a straw from a man drinking beer from a pot. Two men are waiting for their beer.

Two women and children in front of their tents. Goats and sheep are gathered around the people, looking for food. The goat is in the lead, and the meek sheep are waiting behind.

On the right, a man carrying a pot. A woman drinking beer and another woman who looks like she can’t wait any longer.






Two scenes are depicted with a line that separates from the daily scenes. Maybe  these two scenes may have been depicted as extraordinary scenes that occur rarely.





Young male lions invaded the camp and attacked a sheep.The young male was forced out of the group and had to hunt on his own, but he lacked the skills to do so. So he attacked a sheep, which was easier to hunt.

People fight with spears to kill the lion. Some people are running away after throwing spears, other people are about to throw them. From the left side, two men are heading towards the lion, which was probably added by another artist.

In front of the lion, panicked sheep are fleeing in a herd. The two animals looking back are goats. Sheep are said to be timid and group-oriented, while goats are more independent. Are they calmly judging that no harm will come to them?




A man wearing a bird-shaped object on his head holds up his hands, with a long, pointed horn-like object in his right hand and a ring-like object in his left hand. The people appear to be marching or dancing while holding up the horns and rings.The further one goes to the left, the more the body tilts, while the figure on the far left is close to horizontal and appears to be floating.

Is this a religious ceremony? The painting on the far left (east end) of the rock shelter where the painting ends may be a funeral. Funerals on the outskirts of settlements, such as at Toribeno, a funerary site in Kyoto, could also be associated with birds, as in wind burials.

The copying by the Lhote mission was done by moistening the wall surface with water to show the painting through the plaster (CaSO4) film. However, the moistening is not efficient when the painting is faded due to sand and wind. In this case, DStretch is more efficient to reveal the faded paintings.




Panoramic view of the whole fresco and its copy:



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