
This traditional festival is held once a year in the oasis of Djanet in the Central Sahara. Sebeiba, which means “fights”, is a festival of fights by the Touareg people, known as great warriors in the past.  The two districts of Djanet compete each other for the dance of warriors as well as for the songs of women encouraging warriors (November 2014)

中央サハラのオアシス、ジャネットで一年に一度開かれるセベーバ祭は、かつて勇猛果敢な戦闘民族として恐れられていたツアレグ族の戦いの祭りだ。祭りでは、オアシスに住むツアレグ族の人々が二つの地区に分かれて戦う。戦士たちの踊り、それを鼓舞する女たちの歌と太鼓、男女の着飾った衣装などを競い合って勝敗を決する。 (2014年11月)

According to the local oral tradition, the origin of the Sebeiba festival was for celebrating the death of an Egyptian pharaoh. It is also said that was the victory of the prophet Moses against Ramesses II. There is another theory saying that the festival was for commemorating the peace accord by the two tribes (districts) fighting each other for long. Instead of shedding blood, the two districts fight for the dance of warriors.

There is another episode related to Sebeiba. At the beginning of the 16th century, the Touareg of Djanet was governed by a king of Toubou which was hostile ethnic group of Touareg. The king was a cruel dictator and he killed his servant because the couscous was too cold and he also killed another servant because the couscous was too hot.  On a day of Sabeiba, when the varlet went out for watching the festival, some Touareg people entered in the palace and they killed the king.




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