The plateau of Gilf Kebir is located in the deep south-west of Egypt in the border region with Libya and Sudan. This time, it took 8 days as we crossed the Great Sand Sea. It takes normally 4-5days at the minimum by 4WD car. Gilf Kebir means “great barrier” in Arabic language. The plateau shows dominant cliffs of about 500m from the sand sea and it is composed mainly with sand stone. The base rock of sand stone forms, by weathering, tours and temples with some shelters at the bottom where Neolithic people lived and left the rock art. 

January, 2014

ギルフ・ケビールはエジプトの南西端に位置し、西はリビア、南はスーダンとの国境に接している。今回はグレート・サンド・シーを経由したため8日目に着いたが、最短ルートでも四駆で4-5日を要する。ギルフ・ケビールとはアラビア語でgreat barrierを意味する。その名の通り、グレート・サンド・シーを遮るようにそそり立ち、地表から500メートル程度の高さの平らな台地となっている。台地は主に砂岩でできており、風化により尖塔や岩塊が形作られている。岩塊の裾の部分には風化によって岩陰が形成され、新石器時代の壁画が残されているものがある。


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Cave of Swimmers  泳ぐ人の洞窟  Cave of Foggini – 360-degree panorama – Many engravings at the upper part of the facade  フォッギーニの岩陰 – 360度パノラマ – 正面上部に多くの刻画 Fresco of Foggini  フォッギーニの壁画

 I was dreaming to visit the Cave of Swimmer in Gilf Kebir since 17 years when I saw the movie “The English Patient”. There were two very impressive scenes for me. One is the flight over the dunes colored in red with the sun set. Another one is the scene of rock art appearing with a torch in the cave. I visited the dunes of Ksar Ghilane in Tunisia where the movie was made but it was very disappointing. But I finally found the red dunes at Wadi Assib located in front of Gilf Kebir! My Expectation for the Cave of Swimmers became very high after Wadi Assib.

The Cave of Swimmers was found and named by a Hungarian Count Lazro Almasy in 1933. The real Almasy is different from the personality of the movie. But he joined the German army during the WWII as his country was a part of Gernamy and he had to fight against the friends of exploration such as Patrick Clayton who joined the British army.

We reached the Cave of Swimmers on the eighth day after departing Cairo. The Cave was unexpectedly very disappointing. Although it is called “cave”, it is a small rock shelter of around 10m width and 4m depth, not like the deep cave requiring a torch as shown in the movie. Nearly a half of the surface was fallen off and there are many graffiti around the cave. The surface is very fragile and bad behaviors of tourists seem accelerating the damage.

The “swimmers” do not look like swimming but flying like sky divers. It looks they are flying to the “head-less beast”. There are paintings of negative hands and human figures with different poses. The copy drawing made by Katharine in the movie, three dancers depicted inside a negative hand is a true painting, located at the left-center.

The cave of Foggini, found in 2002 by a tourist Foggini, is very well preserved and it is quite impressive with thousands of images. There are many “swimmers” and “head-less beasts”. Some of the beasts are swallowing the people. There are hundreds of negative hands and uncountable number of human figures which are showing different poses/movements, sometimes unusual poses in the daily life. Their orientations vary very much and sometimes upside down. It is said that the fresco is depicting the afterlife and it is difficult to deny. The fact that it is difficult to find scenes of hunting which is the most important thing for the present life seems proving this theory.

It is said that the main part of this fresco was made in the period between BC6000 and BC4500 but its exact dating is still unknown. Some researchers indicate an influence to the Book of the Dead written a few thousand years later. The dead revives by swimming in the primordial water (Nun) and there is no revival possibility of a guilty dead whose heart is eaten by Ammit, who has a head of crocodile with human/lion body. But there is no proof that the people who left the fresco are the ancestor of the Egyptian people who developed the Egyptian civilization.

At the Cave of Foggini, there are also many engravings of giraffes, ostriches, antelope and human figures. These engravings are assumed older than the paintings. They are mostly at the upper side of the fresco, even on the top of the rock, outside of the shelter.

After the discovery of the Cave of Foggini, activities of rock art hunters were increased and 17 caves were found in 8 years. Five caves out of them have the headless beasts. There are many caves with rock art also in Gebel Uweinat located in the border region with Sudan and Libya, at around 100km south of Gilf Kebir.  



カイロを出て8日目に漸くたどり着いた「泳ぐ人の洞窟」は残念ながら期待外れのものだった。洞窟(cave)と呼ばれてはいるが、実際には間口10m、奥行き4m程度の岩陰(rock shelter)に過ぎない。映画で描かれたような光の射さない奥深い洞窟ではなく、トーチで照らす必要もない。岩壁の絵は半分近くが剥がれ落ちているようで、絵のないところは落書きだらけだ。エジプトの著名な文化人の名前まで刻まれているとのことだ。ナポレオンでも各地に自分の名前を刻んだというから、貴賤を問わない人間の欲望のようだ。これほど傷みが激しいのは、岩壁がミルフイユのように剥がれやすくなっているのと、近年の観光客が傷つけたからとのことだ。







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