
Winter in the East Hokkaido is very severe. Despite the recent mild winter climate, the temperature drops often under minus 20℃. Wild animals have also difficulties due to lack of foods in winter. Some species became endangered by hunting and also by reduction of the area of habitat due to human development. The endangered animals designated as national natural treasure are Red-crowned crane, Blakiston’s fish owl, Steller’s sea eagle and White tailed sea eagle, etc.

Despite the human development, the nature in Hokkaido is still well preserved compared with the other regions in Japan. Movements of protecting the endangered species are organized today such as feeding in the winter when they face with difficulties for foods. As a good example, the red-crowned crane which faced extinction counts now about 1,500. (February, 2016)



1 Roost of Red-crowned crane, Otowabashi
2 Red-crowned crane, Kushiro River
3 Red-crowned crane, Kottaro Marsh
4 Red-crowned crane, Ito Sanctuary
5 Red-crowned crane, Akan Red-crowned crane Center
6 Courtship display of Red-crowned crane, Akan Red-crowned crane Center
7 Red-crowned crane, Kayano Station
8 Red-crowned crane, Akan Red-crowned crane Center
9 Roost of Akan Red-crowned crane, Otowabashi
10 Sun rise in Furen
11 Steller’s sea eagle, Rausu
12 Steller’s sea eagle, Rausu
13 Steller’s sea eagle, Rausu
14 Steller’s sea eagle, Rausu
15 White tailed sea eagle, Rausu
16 White tailed sea eagle, Rausu
17 Steller’s sea eagle vs.White tailed sea eagle, Rausu
18 Steller’s sea eagle vs.White tailed sea eagle, Rausu
19 Blakiston’s fish owl, Rausu
20 Blakiston’s fish owl, Rausu
21 Ural Owl, Kushiro
22 Ural Owl and Hokkaido squirrel, Kushiro
23 Eurasian jay, Lake Furen
24 Hokkaido squirrel, Kushiro
25 Red fox
26 Hokkaido deer
27 Hokkaido deer

1 タンチョウのねぐら音羽橋の朝
2 釧路川 湧水で凍ることはない
3 コッタロ湿原のタンチョウ
4 伊藤サンクチュアリに飛来したタンチョウ
5 阿寒タンチョウ観察センターに舞い降りるタンチョウ
6 求愛の鳴き合い 阿寒タンチョウ観察センター
7 茅沼駅のタンチョウ
8 夕暮れに飛ぶタンチョウ 阿寒タンチョウ観察センター
9 タンチョウのねぐら音羽橋の夜
10 マイナス20度の寒さの中で定置網を引く漁船 風連
11 オオワシ 羅臼
12 オオワシ 羅臼
13 オオワシ 羅臼
14 オオワシ 羅臼
15 オジロワシ 羅臼
16 オジロワシ 羅臼
17 オオワシvsオジロワシ 風連湖
18 オオワシvsオジロワシ 風連湖
19 シマフクロウ 羅臼
20 シマフクロウ 羅臼
21 エゾフクロウ 釧路
22 エゾフクロウとエゾリス 釧路
23 ミヤマカケス 風連湖
24 エゾリス 釧路
25 キタキツネ 羅臼
26 エゾジカ 釧路
27 エゾジカ 風連湖

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