
Tamanrasset is located at around 1,400km south of Algier. The walking trip was a round trip to Assekrem of about 100km. All the baggage, foods and camping equipment are brought by 4WD.


Tamanrasset is located at around 1,400km south of Algier. The walking trip was a round trip to Assekrem of about 100km. All the baggage, foods and camping equipment are brought by a 4WD.

People may think that no fauna and flora can exist in the desert. But there are some rains and underground water which allow some fauna and flora to live though very much limited. As the life is limited, we feel strongly their existence. Green belts appear after the rain. A lot of fishes are in a fountain which is isolated from the rivers. After the rain of once per two months, small fish eggs are incubated and they grow and spawn in a month before the water dries out. It is so amazing to see such scenes of life.

Landscapes of Ahaggar are very varying. Ahaggar mountains are formed by volcanic activities of about 2 million years ago. As there is no vegetation, the volcanic surfaces are exposed to the eyes of visitors. The amazing Tezuiyag mountain with twin-peaks is an exposure of columnar jointed basalt formed at the craters. How splendid is the sunset view of Tezuiyag from Assekrem highland where the hermitage of Father Charles de Foucauld is located !

砂漠では動植物が存在しないように思われがちだが、僅かだが雨も降り、地下水脈もあるので、生物や植物も少ないが存在する。少ないだけに生命の存在をより強く感じる。雨が降って水が流れた跡には背の低い草のグリーンベルトができている。砂漠の中で孤立した泉には魚が群れている。 2か月に一度の雨で孵化する小さなメダカは水たまりのなくなる1か月の内に成長して卵を産む。水たまりには日本の水田でみかけるのと同じカブトエビもいる。こうした生命の営みには驚くばかりだ。


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