The desert from the west side of Nile to the east of Libya is called Libyan Desert by Europeans and Western Desert by Egyptians. The Great Sand Sea is occupying 72,000m2 and it is one of the biggest regions of dunes in the world.

The period from 1920’s until the Second World War is the time of explorers such as Prince Kama El-Din Hussein who abandoned kinghood by devoting his life to the desert, Hungarian Count Lazlo Almasy who found the Cave of Swimmers and Patrick Clayton who made maps of the desert. They were all fascinated by the Libyan Desert. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry who crash landed in the Libyan Desert is also one of the men.



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We took the route of Patrick Clayton for crossing the Great Sand Sea. This route was developed for surprise attacks of the British army to the Italian army in Libya. All dunes are running from north to south extending sometimes 150km. Crossing the dunes is quite difficult and the crossing routes are very limited. On the way, we saw a truck of British army during the WWII.

“Sand Sea” is a right expression for describing this never ending sand. The sand surface is waving softly and we see sometimes dunes like the crests of waves. The slopes are not steep but the sand is sometimes soft and the cars are stuck. Digging out the sand, placing the iron plates, pushing all together, placing the iron plates in the next position…. We repeat 7, 8 times a day.

Amount of rain fall in the Great Sand Sea is only about 5mm per year and there is no vegetation. However, there are some insects, rats and foxes. Despite no rain fall, some water can be collected from the wet air by night mist. Saint-Exupéry could survive from his crash landing by collecting water using a parachute.

After crossing the Great Sand Sea, we went southward. Dunes became huge, sometimes dunes are over 100m height. Then we come to a very flat ground, so called interdunal corridor where we see mirages.  Silica glass can be found in such corridors.

The more we advance southward, the more the redness of the sand increases.  The sunset of the dunes of Wadi Assib facing Gilf Kebir is one of the most beautiful landscapes I ever saw. It looks exactly like the red dunes in the movie of English Patient.

Three days for crossing the Great Sand Sea and two days for going southward to reach Gilf Kebir. The journey of the Great Sand Sea was very varied and it was so exiting.








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