
Sudan is a country with a wide variety of wild birds over 900 species. The river Nile and its surroundings provide ideal environment for both residential birds as well as migrating winter birds from Europe.

Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, is located at the confluence of the White Nile flowing from the Lake Victoria and the Blue Nile flowing from the Lake Tana in Ethiopia. The White Nile, which forms sandbanks and shallow water area in the winter, is a paradise for the water birds. The Sunt forest, facing to the White Nile, is also a sanctuary for the wild birds. The Blue Nile forms Tuti island at the meeting point with the White Nile. Tuti has fertile ground suitable for the traditional agriculture which attracts many birds.

Soleb, riverside of the Nile at 600km north of Khartoum, is also a good place for birding. In the Libyan Desert, we see mostly White-crowned Black Wheatear except for stray wagtails. (December 2015)
Khartoum birding map



ハルツームから600キロほど北のナイル川沿いにあるソレブ神殿付近の畑でも多くの野鳥が見られた。砂漠地帯に入ると野鳥は、砂漠を根城とするシロガシラクロサバクヒタキ以外はほとんど見られなくなる。 (2015年12月)


Water birds of the White Nile
Eurasian spoonbill, White Nile
Bar-tailed godwit, White Nile
Marsh sandpiper, White Nile
Yellow wagtail, Sunt
White wagtail, Sunt
Nubian woodpecker, Sunt
Hoopoe, Tuti
Black kite, Sunt
Black-winged stilts chasing a Pied kingfisher, Sunt
Red-billed firefinch, Tuti
Village indigobird, Tuti
Pin-tailed Whydah, Tuti
Cut-throat finch, Tuti
Cattle egret, Soleb
Crested lark, Soleb
Red-eyed dove, Soleb
Spur-winged lapwing, Soleb
Black scrub robin, Soleb
Marsh warbler, Soleb,
Little bee-eater, Soleb
Common bulbul, Soleb
White-crowned Black Wheatear, Uweinat

ヘラサギ 箆鷺、白ナイル
オオソリハシシギ  大反嘴鷸、白ナイル
コアオアシシギ 小青足鷸、白ナイル
ツメナガセキレイ 爪長鶺鴒、スント
タイリクハクセキレイ 大陸白鶺鴒、スント
ヌビアミドリキツツキ ヌビア緑啄木鳥、スント
トビ 鳶、スント
ヒメヤマセミを追うセイタカシギ 背高鷸、スント
ヒメヤマセミ 姫山翡翠、スント
コウギョクチョウ 紅玉鳥、ツチ島
シコンチョウ 紫紺鳥、ツチ島
テンニンチョウ 天人鳥、ツチ島
イッコウチョウ 一紅鳥、ツチ島
アマサギ 黄毛鷺、ソレブ
カンムリヒバリ 冠雲雀
アカメジュズカケバト 赤目数珠掛鳩、ソレブ
ツメバゲリ 爪羽計里、ソレブ
クロヤブコマ 黒藪駒、ソレブ
ヌマヨシキリ 沼葦切、ソレブ
ヒメハチクイ 姫蜂喰、ソレブ
アフリカヒヨドリ アフリカ鵯、ソレブ
シロガシラクロサバクヒタキ 白頭黒砂漠鶲、ウェイナット

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